In Test


Do Prospective Employers Need Your Permission to Check Your Social Media?

The law, in general, has not caught up to all of the latest trends in technology, including the use of social media by prospective employers to screen potential employees and/or discipline employees for conduct portrayed on social media.  Case Study – MH v Rhodes University In the matter of MH v Rhodes University (20 March 2017) Do Prospective Employers Need Your Permission to Check Your Social Media?

Demotion as a disciplinary action

A demotion is when an employee’s status and/or remuneration is lessened. Although rarely used, employers sometimes elect to demote employees after a disciplinary inquiry was conducted, where the dismissal, as a disciplinary sanction, would have been justified. Demotion as a Legitimate Disciplinary Sanction Our Courts and the CCMA have recognised demotion as legitimate, subject to Demotion as a disciplinary action

Voluntary retrenchment agreements and packages

When a company contemplates retrenching employees, voluntary severance packages (VSP’s) are often offered. In terms of a VSP, an employee volunteers to be or agrees to be retrenched. The purpose of using VSP’s is to mitigate the adverse effects of the formal retrenchment process on the employees. These agreements need to be entered into freely Voluntary retrenchment agreements and packages