In Test

The importance of disciplinary inquiries

10 November 2023

Maintaining a balanced and harmonious workplace can constantly challenge many organisations. Accountability is critical, and disciplinary inquiries are vital in addressing misconduct, upholding ethical standards, and preserving trust within a workforce. 

Disciplinary inquiries are pivotal in maintaining order, accountability, and fairness within organisations. These inquiries are essential mechanisms for addressing misconduct, ensuring adherence to policies, and upholding the overall integrity of an institution. By conducting thorough and unbiased investigations, disciplinary inquiries contribute to fostering a healthy work environment and sustaining trust among employees.

Disciplinary inquiries are an investigation process that aims to provide accused employees with the chance to present evidence countering the charges and contest the claims made by the employer before any decisions that may impact the working relationship. 

Legal Framework

The process of disciplinary inquiries is governed by Schedule 8 of The Labour Relations Act, Code of Good Practice Section 3(1) – (3), which stipulates the following:

“(1) All employers should adopt disciplinary rules that establish the standard of conduct required of their employees. The form and content of disciplinary rules will obviously vary according to the size and nature of the employer's business.  In general, a larger business will require a more formal approach to discipline. An employer's rules must create certainty and consistency in the application of discipline. This requires that the standards of conduct are clear and made available to employees in a manner that is easily understood. Some rules or standards may be so well established and known that it is not necessary to communicate them. 

(2) The courts have endorsed the concept of corrective or progressive discipline.  This approach regards the purpose of discipline as a means for employees to know and understand what standards are required of them. Efforts should be made to correct employees' behaviour through a system of graduated disciplinary measures such as counselling and warnings.

(3) Formal procedures do not have to be invoked every time a rule is broken, or a standard is not met. Informal advice and correction are the best and most effective ways for an employer to deal with minor violations of work discipline. Repeated misconduct will warrant warnings, which themselves may be graded according to degrees of severity. More serious infringements or repeated misconduct may call for a final warning or other action short of dismissal. Dismissal should be reserved for cases of serious misconduct or repeated offences.”

Employers must establish a disciplinary code within their organisation to provide clear guidelines on acceptable conduct and performance expectations. This code of conduct serves as a framework for addressing instances of misconduct or poor performance among employees in disciplinary inquiries. The disciplinary code of conduct must also outline the potential consequences for violations.

A well-defined disciplinary code not only helps address employee misconduct promptly but also ensures consistency in applying consequences, fostering a sense of accountability and fairness within the workforce. This proactive approach contributes to a more disciplined and productive workplace, ultimately benefiting both the employer and the employees.

Procedural and Substantive fairness of disciplinary inquiries

Procedural fairness pertains to the fairness of the procedures followed during a disciplinary inquiry. It involves ensuring that the disciplinary process is conducted in a transparent, consistent, and unbiased manner.

Substantive fairness focuses on the fairness of the actual decision reached at the end of the disciplinary process based on the evidence presented by both parties. It ensures the decision is reasonable, justifiable, and proportionate to the alleged misconduct or performance issues.

The primary goal of disciplinary inquiries is to establish accountability. When an employee's actions deviate from the employer’s established code of conduct, it is crucial to identify the responsible party and hold them accountable for their behaviour. Disciplinary inquiries provide a structured process for gathering evidence, interviewing relevant individuals, and determining the facts surrounding an incident.

This accountability serves as a deterrent for future misconduct and reinforces the organisation's commitment to its values and standards.

Moreover, disciplinary inquiries contribute to maintaining a fair and just workplace. A transparent investigation process ensures that all parties involved have an opportunity to present their side of the story. This fairness is not only a legal requirement but also a fundamental aspect of ethical leadership. Employees are more likely to trust an organisation that handles disciplinary matters objectively, treating everyone equally regardless of their position or tenure.

The Role of Disciplinary Inquiries

Disciplinary inquiries also play a crucial role in safeguarding an organisation's reputation. Incidents of misconduct, if left unaddressed, can tarnish the image of a company and erode the trust of employees, clients, customers, and other stakeholders. By promptly and thoroughly investigating allegations of wrongdoing, organisations demonstrate their commitment to ethical conduct and send a clear message that misconduct will not be tolerated.

Furthermore, disciplinary inquiries contribute to a proactive approach to risk management. Identifying and addressing potential issues early on can prevent more significant problems from arising. Whether the misconduct involves harassment, fraud, or breaches of organisational policies, a disciplined inquiry allows organisations to assess and mitigate risks effectively.

The importance of disciplinary inquiries cannot be overstated. These inquiries are a cornerstone for maintaining accountability, promoting fairness, safeguarding reputation, and proactively managing organisational risks. Organisations can create a culture of integrity, trust, and continuous improvement by establishing a robust and transparent process for addressing misconduct.

For more information on Disciplinary Inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
